Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Welcome to Blogsome.
BlogSome is a free (as in beer) weblogging service based on the free (as in speech) WordPress weblogging software.

Signing Up
The sign up process for Blogsome is fairly easy. Go to Blogsome (http://www.blogsome.com) and fill in the desired sub-domain on the Blogsome home page and click "Get your free blog now." This will bring you to a page asking for several pieces of information.
Logging in
To write posts or configure your weblog, you'll need to log in to the backend of your weblog. The default weblog template will have a "Log In" link in the sidebar. Alternately, you can always go to http://yourselectedusername.blogsome.com/wp-login.php to log into your weblog. Your username and password should have been mailed to you during sign-up.
Once you've logged in for the first time, you will want to immediately change your password to a new one that no one but yourself knows. Since anyone with your password can post under your name or edit old posts, make sure the password is secure. Passwords should not be words found in any dictionary, English or otherwise. Passwords should contain numbers, letters, AND special characters. Don't use names, birthdates, or addresses as passwords. Use a password that is a minimum of eight characters long. To change your password, select the "Users" tab in the backend, and then select the "Your Profile" subtab. Scroll to the bottom of the page, enter and repeat your new password, and then click "Update Profile."

Posting to Your Blog
Blogsome will give you a default first post which has the title "Hello World" and contains the text "Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!" Those are very sensible instructions, so let's start by getting rid of this post. Select the "Manage" tab in the backend, then the "Posts" subtab. Click the "Delete" link next to the first post. You should be asked if you really want to delete the post. Once you accept the confirmation, Blogsome's test post will be deleted. To add your own post, click the "Write" tab in the backend. You'll be presented with a full page of controls with which to add a new post. If you click "Save," your post will be stored as an unpublished draft. Clicking "Publish" will add the new post to the front page of your weblog.

Configure Your Template
Once you have set up your blog and logged in you'll want to change the template to match you tastes. Your blog template is what determines how your blog looks. To change your template, while logged in, clik on the "Templates" link at the top of the page. This will bring you to a page which displays your current temlate files in raw HTML form. You can either edit your template by changing the HTML, or, if you aren't familiar with HTML you can select pre-designed themes by clicking on "Themes" which should be on a bar right below the one containing the "Templates" link that you clicked to get to this page.

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